About Mischa


Welcome! I am glad to meet you. I am Mischa and I am a Certified Birth and Interdisciplinary Doula, with CD(DONA) and Earth’s Natural Touch: Birth care and Beyond and am the owner of Me & My Doula. I am also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), with a speciality in perinatal therapy. I am a Reiki Master and will soon be a Certified Lactation Educator.  Continuing education is important to further my knowledge, which I do annually to maintain my LCSW. As well as attending workshops such as childbirth education, breast-feeding classes, Rebozo, trauma informed birth, and prenatal yoga, to name a few.

I’m a budget conscious fashionista, self-proclaimed foodie, and budding yogi. I am goofy, with a pretty good sense of humor and a super contagious laugh.

I enjoy cooking and baking, but eating scrumptious food the most. Baking a yummy treat is a fantastic way I love to pass the time.

Traveling is also high on the list, checking of my bucket list on destinations around the globe and getting to stamp my passport is LIFE. I am a jitter bug and will dance to anything that has a beat. Music is an important form of self expression and brings me great joy. I listen to all types of music, at all times of the day, and sing emphatically as though I am competing for The Voice.

Three things I cannot live without;

1. Chapstick- I have one in all the key location- car, purse, night stand, jacket pockets;

2. Lotion- I rebuke being ashy;

3. Water!- It’s my favorite thing to drink and main ingredient in my second favorite drink= Tea! Yet I can’t swim, the irony.

My Motto

Dream - Never give up keep trying. Always set a goal and work toward something but always remember to be humble and work hard.

Celebrate - I’m all about creating an abundant life and valuing all those that we get the pleasure to share it with. The little things are just as important as the big ones!

Diversity - I appreciate and surround myself with diverse cultures, traditions, ethnicities and lifestyles which is showcased in the food I cook and the places I have traveled to and plan to visit one day. Neither of my parents were born in the US.

Family and Community - Nurturing begins with you, it’s much more difficult to build others up if you’re working from a “cup half full”, it absolutely takes a village! That village is made up of whomever you need in your corner. Family comes in many forms.

Self care - Find a silver lining in everyday, that means not just the bad ones.  

On a Personal Note


I am a loved and loving daughter, sister, aunt, friend, home chef, doula, social worker and entrepreneur. I am kind-hearted, honest, trustworthy, faithful, hardworking, and genuine. Also I’m a budget conscious fashionista, self-proclaimed foodie, and a budding yogi. During my free time, you can typically catch me scrolling for events, my favorite are free ones, or pinning things on Pinterest, recipes, hair styles, and home décor to mention a few. I consider myself to be goofy, with a pretty good sense of humor and a super contagious laugh. Waking up super early, making a cup of tea, and getting back into bed before the day starts is my idea of a good start to the weekend on Saturday mornings.

I enjoy cooking, baking, but eating the most. Baking yummy snacks is my happy place. I’m tip-toeing into a vegan lifestyle, exercise as often as I can, and my favorite beverage to drink is water. I love to travel and I live to stamp my passport. I listen to all types of music, at all times of the day, and sing emphatically as though I am competing for The Voice, and it’s elimination night.

Dreaming is no good without a plan, motivation, or follow through, which means I am reliable and meticulous. But I also love to give back to others and spend some of my free time volunteering, as a Child Life Volunteer with CCMC. I have my BA in Social Work, (from the Catholic University of America,) MSW (from Simmons College), and am an LCSW. I am a Reiki practitioner and a Birth Doula. Continuing education is important to me and I love to learn.

My education & experience.



BA in Social Work, Catholic University of America
Master’s in Social Work, Simmons College
Licensed Clinical Social Worker


DONA International - Certified Birth Doula, February 2020


2 years and 10 births attended